OBMA Member & Business News | Page 16 | Ocean Beach San Diego CA

OBMA Member & Business News

This section is for OBMA Member-specific information, events, issues, and news for small business owners in Ocean Beach.

Members, if you wish to have an announcement or article published in our Local News section for the general public, please email us your article or announcement here.

Ocean Beach News Article: Simpler PPP Forgiveness for Loans of $50,000 or Less

Simpler PPP Forgiveness for Loans of $50,000 or Less

Hello OBMA Members! Merchants need to make sure they apply for the forgiveness portion of the PPP if they indeed received $50,000 or less in PPP loans. Please read the attached PDF for details. The deadline is coming up. More Information Is Available Here Community is at the heart of everything we do. Our work together today will help ensure the health of Ocean Beach in the days to come.

Ocean Beach News Article: Small + Disadvantaged Business Grant Opportunity

Small + Disadvantaged Business Grant Opportunity

Apply for the Small + Disadvantaged Business Grant Opportunity [Deadline: October 15]   Which businesses will this fund support?

Ocean Beach News Article: 1% COVID-19 Relief Loan

1% COVID-19 Relief Loan

A Message from The County of San Diego Accion is excited to announce that the San Diego County Board of Supervisors has approved for us to open our 1% COVID-19 relief loan product to businesses in the entire county. Eligible businesses located throughout the county can apply for the 1% COVID-19 relief loan, starting today! The eligibility criteria is the same as before and we have simplified the overall application process so there is no longer an invitation process to apply. Small businesses can visit the following to get started and learn more about the qualifications and requirements. English: https://socal.accion.org/loans

Ocean Beach News Article: SBDC Great Webinars Coming Up!

SBDC Great Webinars Coming Up!

The San Diego & Imperial Valley Small Business Development Center (SBDC) network provides a vast array of “No Cost” and “Low Cost” support to entrepreneurs and small businesses through our eight locations. The SBDC’s top priority is to empower small business creation and growth to achieve job creation and retention, capital investments, and dynamic innovation that improves the quality of life in San Diego and Imperial Counties. SBDC Great Webinars Coming Up! Instagram Strategy: Thrive in 2020! (Live) Sept 21 at 4:00 pm View Event Details

Ocean Beach News Article: A message from Aliro Marketing regarding Social Media Photos

A message from Aliro Marketing regarding Social Media Photos

Where do you get your pictures for your business social media posts?  Do you ensure that you have permission to use those images on your social media pages, and then document that permission? If you've followed my pages for any length of time, you know I preach that you must get written permission to use someone else's image on your business social media pages due to copyright infringement. Now, Facebook has announced that they will start to allow people take more control over the images they own and where they end up.

Ocean Beach News Article: A MESSAGE FROM The County of San Diego

A MESSAGE FROM The County of San Diego

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) With virus cases slowing, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a new color-coded system for reopening the state’s economy and schools. The new system comprises four tiers — purple, red, orange and yellow — which are based on the COVID-19 infection rate in a county and the percentage of tests in the county that are positive for COVID-19. San Diego County falls into the red or 2nd tier of the new state system. What this means for you today! Counties in the red tier can allow:



Here’s information from the state ABC: https://www.abc.ca.gov/notice-of-regulatory-relief/ In addition to selling manufacturer pre-packaged containers as provided above, ABC licensees selling beer, wine, and pre-mixed drinks or cocktails not in manufacturers containers for consumption off the licensed premises may do so when sold in conjunction with meals prepared for pick-up or delivery either by the licensee or by a meal provider. Any such alcoholic beverages must be packaged in a container with a secure lid or cap and in a manner designed to prevent consumption without removal of the lid or cap (e.g., no lids with sipping holes or openings for straws).

Ocean Beach News Article: MainStreet America Survey

MainStreet America Survey

Dear OBMA Members, While economies have begun to reopen, Main Street communities still continue to face incredible challenges. Remaining resilient through the pandemic and waves of social upheaval has likely been the biggest crisis we’ve faced to date.

Ocean Beach News Article: 12 Ways to Reimagine Your Business Model

12 Ways to Reimagine Your Business Model

Small Business COVID Resiliency As we approach the five-month mark of the global pandemic within the U.S., Main Street businesses are still adapting to the ever-changing realities of operating a business during a public health crisis. Adjusting to reopening guidelines that change on a regular basis as conditions unfold, coupled with lingering safety concerns among many consumers and an economy hampered by millions of unemployed, has resulted in a highly volatile and cloudy situation for small businesses to navigate as they try to pivot to new consumer norms.

Ocean Beach News Article: Grant Opportunity! Red Backpack Fund

Grant Opportunity! Red Backpack Fund

Next application round: August 3-10 About: 1,000 grants of $5,000 each to female entrepreneurs in the U.S. Majority women-owned businesses and nonprofits with annual revenues less than $5M, with at least 1 and less than 50 staff, and incorporated as a legal entity are eligible. https://www.globalgiving.org/redbackpackfund/

Ocean Beach News Article: Temporary Outdoor Business Permit Webinar Friday, July 17th at 10:00am

Temporary Outdoor Business Permit Webinar Friday, July 17th at 10:00am

Update from City of San Diego Temporary Outdoor Business Operation Department Save the Date – Friday, July 17th at 10:00AM Pacific Time -  Development Services will be hosting another “How To Apply for a Temporary Outdoor Business Permit” Webinar Follow this link: TOBOP You will receive an email with the Webinar’s link approximately 30 minutes before the webinar starts. If you have not yet applied for a Temporary Outdoor Business Permit:

Ocean Beach News Article: Update from City of San Diego  Temporary Outdoor Business Operation Department

Update from City of San Diego Temporary Outdoor Business Operation Department

Greetings Small Businesses! Please see updated information below: For those proposing Parking Lot Uses on Private Property:

Ocean Beach News Article: Parking Space Use/Pedestrian Plaza

Parking Space Use/Pedestrian Plaza

The OBMA does not oversee the Pedestrian Plaza Permits, but we are here to provide guidance if needed. The Executive Order does not authorize the use of Parking Spaces within the Public Right-of-Way for temporary outdoor business operations. The Temporary Outdoor Business Operation Program will be considered by the City Council tomorrow, July 14th, 2020, and it will provide a streamlined permitting process for Pedestrian Plazas.

Ocean Beach News Article: Sidewalk Cafe Update Public Right of Way Permit

Sidewalk Cafe Update Public Right of Way Permit

We understand the closure of dine-in services temporarily again makes it hard for you to fulfill your financial obligations. As you may have heard, Mayor Kevin Faulconer has signed an Executive Order allowing all restaurants to utilize sidewalk space without a permit. However, after JULY 14TH, businesses in a Business Improvement District (BID) needs to obtain a Public Right of Way Permit from the OBMA. This will give you the ability to extend your outdoor dining beyond the Executive Order time frame. The OBMA offers a Public Right of Way Permit, which lasts for a full year and is renewable. This permit is 100% administrated by the Ocean Beach MainStreet Association with the City of San Diego.

Ocean Beach News Article: County of San Diego's recently launched Small Business Stimulus Grant Program

County of San Diego's recently launched Small Business Stimulus Grant Program

A message from The County of San Diego Hello OBMA Members We would like to direct your attention to the County of San Diego's recently launched Small Business Stimulus Grant Program and encourage you to share with your members and networks. According to the County News Center, For-profit and nonprofit businesses can apply for grant money if they can show losses and costs are a direct result of the pandemic. To qualify businesses must have: 100 or fewer employees Headquarters in San Diego County A minimum 1-year operating history as of Feb. 14, 2020 Documentation of financial hardship because of COVID-19