OBMA Member & Business News
This section is for OBMA Member-specific information, events, issues, and news for small business owners in Ocean Beach.
Members, if you wish to have an announcement or article published in our Local News section for the general public, please email us your article or announcement here.
OBMA Annual Awards Celebration
Free for all OBMA members and their key employees. Please make sure to mark your calendar for our Annual Awards Celebration on Thursday, January 24, starting at 6 pm at Point Loma Masonic Center (1711 Sunset Cliffs Blvd.) will honor our members’ accomplishments and successes over the past year. There will be wonderful food, fun favors, and incredible raffle prizes from all your favorite local OB businesses! Don’t miss this great night of fun and celebration!
Vote in the 2018 OBMA Board Election
OBMA MEMBERS: Please VOTE for UP TO FIVE (5) seats on the OBMA Board of Directors during this election cycle. You may pick up a paper ballot in the OBMA office at 1868 Bacon Street, Ste. A. Alternatively, you may vote online at surveymonkey.com/r/2018OBMABoard. Only 1 Ballot per OBMA BID member or Associate Member is allowed. You must be a member in good standing to vote. All ballots must be recieved by 5pm on Wednesday, July 11, 2018.
Newly Redesigned Zero Waste Database
RECYCLE: THESE ITEMS GO IN YOUR BLUE BIN - Newly Redesigned Zero Waste Database - For additional resources to reduce, reuse, repurpose, donate, recycle, and dispose of these items and more!
SDG&E: Electric vehicles give spring cleaning a whole new meaning
Spring is here and with it comes a breath of fresh air. The world around us gets a little greener, and that’s the way San Diego Gas & Electric likes it. That’s why we are helping business owners, like you, install electric vehicle (EV) chargers at your properties. Together, we can support a spring clean feel in the San Diego air that lasts all year long. It starts with our Power Your Drive program. We’re installing thousands of EV charging ports at apartments, condo complexes and workplaces. Why? • EVs promote cleaner air. • EVs play a critical role in meeting state and local climate goals. • Demand for EVs is not slowing down.
SDG&E: Empower employees to help save energy
Buildings don’t use energy – people do. Your employees affect a building’s energy performance. Many people already save energy at home. Show them the connections between those good behaviors and what they can do at work. It’s the little things that, when added together, can make a big difference. High utility costs can be a result of paying for energy that is wasted by lights, equipment, and HVAC systems that are left on for long periods while not in use. According to Energy Star, office buildings waste up to one-third of the energy they consume. Your business can use less energy and lower its costs if you:
SDG&E: New 2018 SDG&E energy efficiency business rebates are available
Here’s what’s new or being continued this year. Instant Lighting Rebates • LED troffers and T8 4’ linear LEDs will continue to be offered in 2018 • Instant lighting rebates will no longer be offered for A-Lamps and MR16s • LED PAR20/30/38, R30/40, and candelabras will be offered through June 30th, 2018 • LED street Lighting, high/low bay fixtures and exterior fixtures are undergoing an industry standard practice study and impacts on program offerings will be established by the 2nd quarter
SDG&E: Pricing plans for businesses based on time of day
It’s time to start thinking about energy differently. To support the statewide commitment to reliable and sustainable energy, time of use pricing plans are the current standard for business customers. These plans are based on both how much, and when, you use energy and offer you choices on how to better manage and control your costs. Time of use pricing plans split the day into different time periods, on-peak and off-peak. During peak hours, prices are higher as the demand for electricity increases. The cost to produce and deliver electricity also increases. By shifting energy use to off-peak times, you decrease the demand for energy, thus saving on energy costs.
Storefront Improvement Program Update
From the City of San Diego Economic Development Department: As you may be aware, the Storefront Improvement Program (SIP) was put on a temporary hold while our team updated the program’s processes and procedures. We are happy to announce that the update process is complete and are now accepting new applications. Please visit the Storefront Improvement Program page for more information.
SDG&E: A to Z's of Greener Restaurants: From Best Practices to Reducing Waste
March 20, 2018 Experts will discuss: organic waste recycling and innovative programs that reduce organic waste Attendees will learn how to: · implement an organic waste recycling program. · reduce organic waste with food tracking and repurposing · utilize anaerobic food digesters and · leverage new technologies for dealing with organic waste This is a no-cost event! Register at: Seminars.SDGE.com or simply click HERE. Speakers:
Valentine's Day Pop Up Shop at Camellia Wedding Flowers
Get fabulous flowers and gifts for your sweetheart at Camellia's pop up shop February 10-14, 2018: 10 to 3 on Saturday and Sunday, 10 to 6 on Monday and Tuesday and 7 AM to 7 PM on Wednesday!
Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group
Women business owners of Ocean Beach are encouraged to join our Facebook group and check out the schedule & join our monthly meetings! Each month the assigned host will post in the Facebook group the meeting location (commonly at their place of business or an OB restaurant/coffee shop). This is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106825359857588 Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group 2018 Scheduled Meetings & Assigned Hosts
Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group
Women business owners of Ocean Beach are encouraged to join our Facebook group and check out the schedule & join our monthly meetings! Each month the assigned host will post in the Facebook group the meeting location (commonly at their place of business or an OB restaurant/coffee shop). This is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106825359857588 Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group 2018 Scheduled Meetings & Assigned Hosts
Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group
Women business owners of Ocean Beach are encouraged to join our Facebook group and check out the schedule & join our monthly meetings! Each month the assigned host will post in the Facebook group the meeting location (commonly at their place of business or an OB restaurant/coffee shop). This is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106825359857588 Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group 2018 Scheduled Meetings & Assigned Hosts
Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group
Women business owners of Ocean Beach are encouraged to join our Facebook group and check out the schedule & join our monthly meetings! Each month the assigned host will post in the Facebook group the meeting location (commonly at their place of business or an OB restaurant/coffee shop). This is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106825359857588 Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group 2018 Scheduled Meetings & Assigned Hosts
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