SDG&E: Pricing plans for businesses based on time of day | Ocean Beach San Diego CA | News

SDG&E: Pricing plans for businesses based on time of day

SDG&E: Pricing plans for businesses based on time of day

It’s time to start thinking about energy differently. To support the statewide commitment to reliable and sustainable energy, time of use pricing plans are the current standard for business customers. These plans are based on both how much, and when, you use energy and offer you choices on how to better manage and control your costs.

Time of use pricing plans split the day into different time periods, on-peak and off-peak.  During peak hours, prices are higher as the demand for electricity increases. The cost to produce and deliver electricity also increases. By shifting energy use to off-peak times, you decrease the demand for energy, thus saving on energy costs.

Peak hours were previously from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The recent increase in use of renewable energy, primary solar, has shifted the hours of peak energy demand to 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.  The shift is occurring because, as the sun goes down, production from solar drops.

The California Public Utilities Commission recently approved a seasonal change. The month of May more closely aligns with winter month data versus summer data. The new seasonal periods are:

Many of these changes depend on what pricing plan your business is on.  If you don't know what pricing plan you're on, you can find out by visiting Find out how your business can save energy by visiting SDG&E’s new Business Resource page for savings and solutions at

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