Ocean Beach lawyer Robert Burns has been practicing law for nearly 45 years with an emphasis on family law, personal injury law, and probate court litigation. His website is www.OBLaw.com.
Mr. Burns regularly posts answers to legal questions posted with www.Avvo.com. You can subscribe free of charge to his select ones by friending him at Facebook.com/OBLaw. Please “Like” his Facebook fans page at https://www.facebook.com/Robert-Burns-121384342541/
You will also find there pertinent news and commentary on local, State, and Federal legal issues including regular posts on other newsworthy legal issues; feel free to suggest a topic for his discussion. Mr. Burns just settled for $52,500 a motorcycle personal-injury case botched by an L.A. affiliate of Law Tigers Motorcycle Lawyers who tried to back out with only $13,000 offered by the insurer.
Mr. Burn would like another nice probate case or a private attorney general case against Tesla for endemically placing its automobiles on California highways without front license plates and with illegally tinted windows. Happy New Year!