OBMA Member & Business News | Page 19 | Ocean Beach San Diego CA

OBMA Member & Business News

This section is for OBMA Member-specific information, events, issues, and news for small business owners in Ocean Beach.

Members, if you wish to have an announcement or article published in our Local News section for the general public, please email us your article or announcement here.

Ocean Beach News Article: Relief is on the way. Things you can do now to prepare!

Relief is on the way. Things you can do now to prepare!

This information is brought to you by the Ocean Beach MainStreet Association. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Your success is our goal. OBMA Team (619) 224-4906 [email protected] www.OceanBeachSanDiego.com Relief Is On The Way! Are You Ready for Recovery? Things You Can Do NOW to be Ready Below is really helpful information in one spot. Here's an idea of what you need to get together.

Ocean Beach News Article: A message from Johnny Caito with OB Eats

A message from Johnny Caito with OB Eats

FREE Program for Restaurants See his message below... Along with running OB Eats, I also have a restaurant marketing company. I've put together a FREE curbside pickup program for local restaurants. We will run ads, deliver special offers, and promote pickup and delivery options. The only thing the restaurant would pay is the ad spend (can do as low as $5/day). Again...this is FREE! I'd like to help out as many places as I can. I live here, work here, and love OB, and I'll do whatever I can to help. If you know someone that owns, manages, or is in the restaurant space here in OB, PL, or surrounding areas, will you please share this link with them or have them reach out.

Ocean Beach News Article: San Diego Workforce Partnership

San Diego Workforce Partnership

San Diego Workforce Partnership services and guidance for workers and business impacted by COVID-19 Unemployment Insurance benefits can be claimed online or over the phone Supports are available for businesses laying off workers Future updates will be posted here   San Diego, CA The San Diego Workforce Partnership expects significant impact to businesses, workers and their families related to COVID-19. We are working with our County public health officials, the State of California, and our network of career services providers and monitoring the situation closely. Below are resources and information for workers and employers:

Ocean Beach News Article: OBMA Member Resources

OBMA Member Resources

We recognize that each of you are moving quickly to adapt to the pandemic circumstances that we are all facing. The Ocean Beach MainStreet Association is re-prioritizing our efforts and gathering resources that you can use and share with your employees, customers and tenants, in addition to sending out information to the community to support essential businesses whose doors are open. Acknowledging that our collective community health is paramount at this time, the Alliance is deferring to--and following--state and local health advisories.  We are focusing our efforts on sustaining our members during the duration of the pandemic and supporting the reboot of the Ocean Beach economy when it is safe and prudent to do so.

Ocean Beach News Article: ***A message from our Economic Development Department***

***A message from our Economic Development Department***

The Economic Development Department encourages you to monitor their websites (sba.gov/disaster and sba.gov/coronavirus) for updates regarding COVID-19.

Ocean Beach News Article: Hello OBMA Members

Hello OBMA Members

We wanted to keep you updated on what’s happening with special events and meetings in light of the directives from the Governor and the City of Diego regarding COVID-19. The OBMA Office will remain open for business unless we are otherwise directed. We understand some of our members will have questions and we will do our best to get answers for you. Remember, we are here to serve your business needs. Don’t hesitate to contact us. Stop by 1868 Bacon Street, Suite A (619) 224-4906 ~ [email protected]

Ocean Beach News Article: Welcome to Ocean Beach & Business Updates

Welcome to Ocean Beach & Business Updates

Alive Wellness CBD 4967 Newport Avenue, Suite 10 ~ Ocean Beach, CA 619.890.7689 ~ alivewellnessus.com Meditation & Manifestation Supply Store 4799 1/2 Voltaire Street ~ Ocean Beach, CA 619.491.7100 ~ meditationsupplystore.com Seashore Web Services 619.922.4552 ~ seashorewebservices.com Apogee has moved to their new location at 4985 Newport Avenue Brown Marketing has moved to their new location at 2837 Presidio Drive The Coffice is now open in the OB Business Center at 4876 Santa Monica Avenue  

Ocean Beach News Article: OB Shuttle

OB Shuttle

The OB Shuttle is closed for business permanently. Brett and Mark would like to thank those of you that supported the shuttle through the years but as life changes they can no longer operate the business.  If anyone is interested in purchasing the business they are open to transferring ownership of the company and/or has two golf carts for sale. They would love to see a local continue the tradition. Thank you OB for having the OB Shuttle as part of the community. Brett McClay (619) 794-7705 [email protected]               Mark McClay (414) 828-6561 [email protected]  

Ocean Beach News Article: Report Graffiti in Ocean Beach

Report Graffiti in Ocean Beach

If you see graffiti in Ocean Beach on public or private property, report it immediately to the Graffiti Control Program through online reporting or by calling the graffiti hotline. Graffiti Hotline: (619) 527-7500 Calls to Street Division Customer Service are confidential. Reporting Graffiti If you see graffiti vandalism in progress, call 9-1-1 and report it immediately to the San Diego Police Department. Do not confront the vandals. Although they may appear to be harmless, they may be carrying weapons. The police will respond based on the priority of the crime compared to others for which they have calls at the time.



The OBMA Member Sundowner last night at The Belching Beaver Tasting Room was a super fun evening. The Belching Beaver has an amazing private event room featuring a foosball table, shuffle board, monitors for presentations, and a private tasting bar. Need a space for your next employee party, birthday party, anniversary or just a fun get together... check out BeaverEvents.com. Happy Birthday to Tanya from Tanya Joy Skincare!

Ocean Beach News Article: It's wonderful to experience the world once again shifting into the holiday cheer!

It's wonderful to experience the world once again shifting into the holiday cheer!

My 39-year-old law practice remains a general practice with emphasis on family law, probate law, and personal-injury law about which you can read more at my law website http://www.OBLaw.com.  I continue to provide old-fashioned accessibility, free consultations, and affordable rates on flexible terms.  You can glean my involvement in Celtic music especially on the great highland bagpipes at my music website http://www.RobertBurns.biz

Ocean Beach News Article: OBMA Member Event: Annual Meeting and Awards Celebration

OBMA Member Event: Annual Meeting and Awards Celebration

Please join us for an evening of fun at the 41st Annual OBMA Awards Celebration & Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 23, 2020, at the Point Loma Masonic Center, 1711 Sunset Cliffs Blvd., 6pm-8pm(ish). Enjoy light dinner, beverages, and desserts from our local businesses! We'll be selling raffle tickets to win one of several prize baskets... $5 each, arm's length for $20, or wingspan for $30! This free event is open to all of our members, their employees, and special guests! We are currently in search contributions to our raffle prize baskets. Contributing to our annual awards is a great PR opportunity for your business! If you'd like to make a contribution, please access the form below and return it to us ASAP:

Ocean Beach News Article: Ocean Beach lawyer Robert Burns

Ocean Beach lawyer Robert Burns

Ocean Beach lawyer Robert Burns regularly posts answers to legal questions posted with www.Avvo.com. You can subscribe free of charge to his select ones by friending him at Facebook.com/OBLaw.  Please “Like” his Facebook fans page at https://www.facebook.com/Robert-Burns-121384342541/   You will also find there pertinent news and commentary on local, State, and Federal legal issues including regular posts on Cannabis Law, impeachment, e-trash (esp., e-scooters and e-bikes) and other newsworthy legal issues; feel free to suggest a topic for his discussion.   Mr.

Ocean Beach News Article: OBMA Business Development Series: Social Media Workshop

OBMA Business Development Series: Social Media Workshop

Huge thanks to Daisy Santana of Social Syndicate, Alicia Shapiro of Aliro Marketing, Johnny Caito of Veracity Digital Media and Brad Fernbaugh OB Bizmap for hosting the latest event in our Business Development Series, putting together a great hour-long Social Media workshop. FOURTY OF OUR OBMA members attended, learning vaulable techniques that covered best practices and new developments on the Facebook and Instagram platforms. Stay tuned for more great events from the new OB Tech Collective!    

Ocean Beach News Article: OBMA People's Choice Awards

OBMA People's Choice Awards

Dear Merchants, The OBMA Awards Celebration & Annual Meeting is coming up on January 24, 2019, and the polls are open! OBMA members are eligible to vote for People's Choice Awards in our committee categories. Voting closed on Tuesday, January 15 at 5pm. If you have any questions, please contact the office at [email protected] or 619-224-4906. See you at the celebration!

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