OBMA Member & Business News
This section is for OBMA Member-specific information, events, issues, and news for small business owners in Ocean Beach.
Members, if you wish to have an announcement or article published in our Local News section for the general public, please email us your article or announcement here.
Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group
Women business owners of Ocean Beach are encouraged to join our Facebook group and check out the schedule & join our monthly meetings! Each month the assigned host will post in the Facebook group the meeting location (commonly at their place of business or an OB restaurant/coffee shop). This is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106825359857588 Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group 2018 Scheduled Meetings & Assigned Hosts
Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group
Women business owners of Ocean Beach are encouraged to join our Facebook group and check out the schedule & join our monthly meetings! Each month the assigned host will post in the Facebook group the meeting location (commonly at their place of business or an OB restaurant/coffee shop). This is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106825359857588 Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group 2018 Scheduled Meetings & Assigned Hosts
Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group
Women business owners of Ocean Beach are encouraged to join our Facebook group and check out the schedule & join our monthly meetings! Each month the assigned host will post in the Facebook group the meeting location (commonly at their place of business or an OB restaurant/coffee shop). This is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106825359857588 Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group 2018 Scheduled Meetings & Assigned Hosts
Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group
Women business owners of Ocean Beach are encouraged to join our Facebook group and check out the schedule & join our monthly meetings! Each month the assigned host will post in the Facebook group the meeting location (commonly at their place of business or an OB restaurant/coffee shop). This is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106825359857588 Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group 2018 Scheduled Meetings & Assigned Hosts
Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group
Women business owners of Ocean Beach are encouraged to join our Facebook group and check out the schedule & join our monthly meetings! Each month the assigned host will post in the Facebook group the meeting location (commonly at their place of business or an OB restaurant/coffee shop). This is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106825359857588 Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group 2018 Scheduled Meetings & Assigned Hosts
Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group
Women business owners of Ocean Beach are encouraged to join our Facebook group and check out the schedule & join our monthly meetings! Each month the assigned host will post in the Facebook group the meeting location (commonly at their place of business or an OB restaurant/coffee shop). This is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106825359857588 Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group 2018 Scheduled Meetings & Assigned Hosts
Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group
Women business owners of Ocean Beach are encouraged to join our Facebook group and check out the schedule & join our monthly meetings! Each month the assigned host will post in the Facebook group the meeting location (commonly at their place of business or an OB restaurant/coffee shop). This is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106825359857588 Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group 2018 Scheduled Meetings & Assigned Hosts
Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group
Women business owners of Ocean Beach are encouraged to join our Facebook group and check out the schedule & join our monthly meetings! Each month the assigned host will post in the Facebook group the meeting location (commonly at their place of business or an OB restaurant/coffee shop). This is the link to the Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/106825359857588 Women of Ocean Beach Networking Group 2018 Scheduled Meetings & Assigned Hosts
SDG&E: 2018: The year of electric vehicles
Have you heard the news? CNN declared 2018 the year of the electric vehicle (EV). No longer niche products to the stars, EVs are on the road to mainstream Americans. And this may be the year they fill the parking lots of your properties. All they need is a place to charge. That’s where we come in. San Diego Gas & Electric® is installing 3,500 EV charging stations at businesses, apartments and condos in the region through the Power Your Drive program, and we are accepting applications for eligible properties. Here is a quick rundown of the eligibility requirements:
SDG&E: Acquire diverse free trainings on HVAC basics to energy efficiency management
Don’t miss out on classes at SDG&E’s Energy Innovation Center. Learn how to make your HVAC system more efficient – from basics to preventative maintenance. Or, for a whole building approach, discover how to improve energy performance, reduce energy costs, and improve your bottom line at Fundamentals of Effective Energy Management for Business (technical and non-technical are welcome). Check out our full line up or register now at seminars.sdge.com.
SDG&E: Ten energy-saving tips for small businesses
According to the EPA's ENERGY STAR program, U.S. small businesses together spend a whopping $60 billion on energy each year. Additionally, a survey conducted by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) found that energy costs are a top-three business expense for more than one-third of the nation's small businesses. But, small businesses also possess significant energy savings potential. Depending on the building and business type, small businesses can reduce their energy without sacrificing service or comfort. Here are some ideas: 1. Conduct an energy audit. SDG&E’s Business Energy Solutions program provides an on-site no-cost energy audit. Learn more at sdge.com/BES.
SDG&E: Get your tenants charged for 2018
The New Year is here and with it comes the typical resolutions: get healthy, get organized, live life to the fullest. But what about get green? San Diego Gas & Electric is installing 3,500 EV charging stations at businesses, apartments and condos in the region through the Power Your Drive program and we are looking for community partners. Meet the criteria and your property could have state-of-the-art EV charging stations installed, exclusively for tenants, at little to no cost to you. We handle all construction, operation and maintenance of the equipment. Your tenants get a new amenity to support sustainable living and you get to demonstrate your commitment to cleaner air.
SDG&E: Check out the new line-up of January classes at the Energy Innovation Center
January is a great time to sharpen your skills on energy-efficient technologies, codes and standards, and green building practices. From certifications in lighting controls and HVAC, to a specialized bootcamp class that gives you ideas on how to sell energy efficiency. Whether you are a business owner or a trade professional looking to learn the latest in building technology, the Energy Innovation Center has a class for you. Register today at seminars.sdge.com.
SDG&E: New seasonal and peak periods are here
Your energy costs are based on how much electricity you use and when you use it. Energy use aligns with two seasonal periods and the winter season now includes the month of May. Winter: November 1 to May 31 (previously November 1 to April 30) Summer: June 1 to October 31 (previously May 1 to October 31) The year-round On-peak period, when electricity is needed the most and you pay the highest price, is 4 p.m. – 9 p.m. Shifting energy use to Off-peak or Super off-peak hours can help you save energy and money. Review your pricing plan at sdge.com/myaccount to understand how these changes might impact your business.
SDG&E: Resolve to save energy this year
Buildings don’t use energy – people do. Your employees affect a building’s energy performance. Many people already save energy at home. Show them the connections between those good behaviors and what they can do at work. It’s the little things that, when added together, can make a big difference. High utility costs can be a result of paying for energy that is wasted by lights, equipment, and HVAC systems that are left on for long periods while not in use. According to Energy Star, office buildings waste up to one-third of the energy they consume. Your business can use less energy and lower its costs if you:
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