OBMA Member & Business News | Page 8 | Ocean Beach San Diego CA

OBMA Member & Business News

This section is for OBMA Member-specific information, events, issues, and news for small business owners in Ocean Beach.

Members, if you wish to have an announcement or article published in our Local News section for the general public, please email us your article or announcement here.

Ocean Beach News Article: 2023 Ocean Beach Banners

2023 Ocean Beach Banners

Thank you for submitting a photograph for the 2023 Ocean Beach Banners. Our theme this year is Ocean Beach Where the Sun Sets in San Diego and every picture we received captured this theme perfectly. Not all photos we chose are to be placed on a banner. However, we have a photo album of each photograph with photographer credit available for viewing. View the Photo Album of All Submissions. The following 15 photographs will be displayed throughout the Ocean Beach Banner District as you enter OB on Sunset Cliffs Blvd. and along the 4800-5000 blocks of Newport Avenue.

Ocean Beach News Article: A message from the Ocean Beach Town Council

A message from the Ocean Beach Town Council

Each year, half of the 15-person Board is up for election. This year, 8 seats are up for election. Directors of the OBTC have the opportunity to go above and beyond in service to the Ocean Beach community by leading and planning community events, contributing volunteer hours to projects around town, advocating on behalf of the community to local government, and more. If elected, you would serve a two-year term in this capacity. If that sounds like a life-giving commitment for you, consider running for a seat on the Board! To qualify to run, you must live, work, or own a business in 92107.

Ocean Beach News Article: Free Presentation "New Laws for 2023" at Newbreak Coffee & Cafe

Free Presentation "New Laws for 2023" at Newbreak Coffee & Cafe

Law Offices of Robert Burns will be giving a free presentation "New Laws for 2023" at Newbreak Coffee & Cafe, 1959 Abbott Street, Ocean Beach, CA 92107 at a regular session of the O.B. Networking Group.

Ocean Beach News Article: 7 Key Steps to Compliance

7 Key Steps to Compliance

Earned Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Ordinance 7 Key Steps to Successful Compliance Effective January 1, 2023, provide a minimum wage of no less than $16.30 per hour to employees working within the geographic boundaries of the City of San Diego. Rate applies to all businesses regardless of business size.   Provide earned sick leave (ESL) through the accrual method (1 hour of ESL for every 30 hours worked) or front-loading method (no less than 40 hours of ESL are awarded at the beginning of the benefit year).   Provide employees with Employer to Employee Notice that includes the Employer’s requirements per the Ordinance.  

Ocean Beach News Article: SAN DIEGO MINIMUM WAGE


OFFICIAL NOTICE SAN DIEGO MINIMUM WAGE $16.30 PER HOUR Rate Effective Date: January 1, 2023 Beginning January 1, 2023, employees who perform at least two (2) hours of work in one work week within the geographic boundaries of the City of San Diego must be paid wages of not less than $16.30 per hour for all hours worked within the City’s geographic boundaries. San Diego’s Earned Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Ordinance, San Diego Municipal Code Chapter 3, Article 9, Division 1, applies to adult AND minor employees who work two (2) or more hours in any workweek within the City’s geographic boundaries. Note: tips do not count towards payment of the minimum wage.

Ocean Beach News Article: Welcome New Members!

Welcome New Members!

Eros Beauty & Wellness Health • Beauty • Fitness 3689 Midway Drive, Space E San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 481-4651 ErosBeautyandWellness.com Lady Luck Print Co. Graphic Design • Retail 4856 Voltaire Street San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 820-5743 @LadyLuckPrintCo Val’s Coffee Corner Coffee • Tea • Restaurant

Ocean Beach News Article: Benefit Show and Auction for the OB Veteran's Plaza

Benefit Show and Auction for the OB Veteran's Plaza

NOVEMBER 19, 2022 Location Mission Beach Woman's Club 840 Santa Clara Place San Diego, CA 92109 DOORS OPEN: 5:30 PM SHOWTIME: 6:30 - 8:30 PM VIP TABLES $800 GENERAL ADMISSION $65

Ocean Beach News Article: Power-Washing 4800-5000 Block Newport Avenue on Monday, November 7th

Power-Washing 4800-5000 Block Newport Avenue on Monday, November 7th

The Ocean Beach MainStreet Association has scheduled EcoClean to power-wash Newport Avenue! Additional funds provided by a City of San Diego grant for November's power-washing and sanitation of the MAD.

Ocean Beach News Article: Polystyrene Foam and Single Use Plastics Ordinance

Polystyrene Foam and Single Use Plastics Ordinance

The City stayed enforcement of Ordinance No. 0-21030 N.S. prohibiting the distribution or use of polystyrene (also known by the trademarked name Styrofoam) within the City of San Diego pending the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) under the California Environmental Quality Act. During this time, using, selling, and distributing polystyrene foam is not prohibited under Ordinance No. 0-21030 N.S. within the City of San Diego. UPDATE: The City of San Diego Environmental Services Department presented the proposed Single Use Plastic Reduction Ordinance last Thursday, October 27th to the City Council's Environment Committee. Here is what the ordinance will put into effect:

Ocean Beach News Article: Sunset Photos Needed for OBMA Street Banners!

Sunset Photos Needed for OBMA Street Banners!

We need your Ocean Beach sunset photos for the Ocean Beach Banner District's 2023 banners. Our theme this year is "Ocean Beach, Where the sunsets in San Diego." Submissions will be reviewed and considered for being included in the Ocean Beach MainStreet banners which are hung along the entrance to Ocean Beach and down Newport Avenue. The size of the banners is 30” wide and 96” tall - vertical format. Below is a sample of the banners that are currently up around town.

Ocean Beach News Article: Webinar Employee Retention Tax Credit

Webinar Employee Retention Tax Credit

Join CC Summerfieldfor a lunchtime Webinar to learn more about the Employee Retention Tax Credit! The Employee Retention tax credit (ERC) is part of the CARES Act passed in 2020 and is a federal government program that could get you up to $26,000 per W2 employee if your business qualifies. The best part is that you can use the funds however you want and the money is tax-free. I am on a mission to help as many businesses get the credit they deserve before the program ends. Learn more about the Employee Retention Tax Credit during this lunchtime Webinar with Q&A time. Friday, November 4th at noon Zoom Webinar Link

Ocean Beach News Article: October is National Cyber Security Month

October is National Cyber Security Month

From Aliro Marketing, who is advising business owners to take this action on FB & IG. October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, so you'll want to save this post as I provide instructions for how to turn on 2 factor authentication for your Facebook & Instagram accounts to add a layer of security to your accounts. Why do you need to do this? Well, it seems like a new round of hackers are up to no good again - In the past 2 weeks, I've seen several personal Facebook connections say they "have not created a new account, don't accept a friend request from me".

Ocean Beach News Article: Sand Memorial Scuplture Event

Sand Memorial Scuplture Event

Remembering Steven Krueger 1959-2021 Ocean Beach Sunday October 9th 9am -2:30pm Members of the community are welcome to join the build which will be lead by the award-winning master carvers of IB Posse. Find us near the main life guard tower.

Ocean Beach News Article: Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Join Dan, Tank and Toto's Team for the Alzheimer's Walk at Liberty Station. Alzheimer’s isn’t stopping and neither are we. By participating in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s, We are raising funds and awareness to advance the fight against this disease — funds that allow the Alzheimer’s Association to provide 24/7 care and support while accelerating critical research. Families facing Alzheimer’s and all other dementia need us now more than ever — and with your help, we can be there for them. Please register as a participant and make a donation of any amount- Together, we can end Alzheimer’s disease.  Thank you!  DAN DENNISON

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