OBMA Member & Business News | Page 13 | Ocean Beach San Diego CA

OBMA Member & Business News

This section is for OBMA Member-specific information, events, issues, and news for small business owners in Ocean Beach.

Members, if you wish to have an announcement or article published in our Local News section for the general public, please email us your article or announcement here.

Ocean Beach News Article: City of San Diego Helping Businesses Meet Accessibility Standards During COVID-19 Pandemic

City of San Diego Helping Businesses Meet Accessibility Standards During COVID-19 Pandemic

Hello OBMA Bars & Restaurants – Below is a message from the City of San Diego. GRANT MONEY AVAILABLE FOR BUSINESSES TO BUILD ADA COMPLIANT DECKS AND PLATFORMS UNDER OUTDOOR BUSINESS OPERATION GUIDELINES SAN DIEGO – In an effort to improve accessibility and support businesses dealing with the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of San Diego is now offering $3,000 grants to help build decks and platforms that comply with standards outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Ocean Beach News Article: Register Now! OBMA Economic Vitality Series - March 10th @ Noon

Register Now! OBMA Economic Vitality Series - March 10th @ Noon

Register NOW to join the Ocean Beach MainStreet Association and Jere Batten with Batten Accountancy, Inc. for an interactive hour discussing updates on the CARES Act, Payroll Protection Program, and your tax questions. Register Here Submit your questions for Batten Accountancy, Inc. here.

Ocean Beach News Article: Let's grow your business online with ebay!

Let's grow your business online with ebay!

Through this program, up to 300 California small businesses will be selected to participate in this six-week interactive eCommerce training program designed to help them get and grow online. This new, 100% free program will offer participating businesses the educational resources, interactive instruction, and seller-to-seller coaching they need to compete on eBay’s marketplace.

Ocean Beach News Article: Business Relief & Support - PPP Loan information!

Business Relief & Support - PPP Loan information!

Dear San Diego Business Owner: We are writing you to make sure that you are aware of the latest resources available to provide economic support and relief amid the COVID-19 pandemic. On Tuesday, the Small Business Administration (SBA) announced that Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans will be available exclusively to businesses and nonprofits with 20 or fewer employees from Wednesday, Feb. 24, through Wednesday, March 10. Learn More This is an effort to get economic relief to the nation's smallest businesses.

Ocean Beach News Article: 2021 Marketing Breakfast Webinar “Riding the Wave”

2021 Marketing Breakfast Webinar “Riding the Wave”

During the Ocean Beach MainStreet Association’s Annual Marketing Breakfast, which like everything else lately looked very different Chloe Larriategui, Digital Marketing Specialist with Brown Marketing shared tips for communicating with customers while businesses continue to make changes due to city, county and state regulations.

Ocean Beach News Article: Save the Date - OBMA Annual Marketing Breakfast Webinar!

Save the Date - OBMA Annual Marketing Breakfast Webinar!

Enjoy your breakfast in the comfort of your home or office, while learning a few tips and tricks for navigating the treacherous waves business owners continue to face due to COVID-19. REGISTER HERE Additional information will be sent out early next week. Community is at the heart of everything we do. Our work together today will help ensure the health of Ocean Beach in the days, weeks, months and years to come.

Ocean Beach News Article: Outdoor Business Permit Inspection Schedule

Outdoor Business Permit Inspection Schedule

Attention OBMA Members with PROW Permits &/or Pedestrian Plaza Permits Ocean Beach is scheduled for inspections beginning Monday, Feb. 8th. thru Wednesday, Feb. 12th. The Fire Marshall Chief, Doug Perry, has developed a schedule for inspections for business operations in the public right-of-way (PROW) (street or sidewalk).

Ocean Beach News Article: State Relief Grant Round Two Opens Tomorrow – Feb. 2

State Relief Grant Round Two Opens Tomorrow – Feb. 2

State Relief Grant Round Two Opens Tomorrow – Feb. 2 Small businesses or nonprofits that didn't apply in round 1 can apply for round 2 consideration until 6 p.m. Feb. 8. We'll have office hours and webinars in different languages all next week – for events and updates, visit sdivsbdc.org/California-relief-grant. The first round closed – grant awards as well as waitlist notifications went out. Waitlisted applicants automatically moved into round 2 and don't need to reapply.  

Ocean Beach News Article: Our Climate. Our Future!

Our Climate. Our Future!

Topic: Our Climate, Our Future - Business Community Forum Description: When the City of San Diego released Climate Action Plan in 2015, it included a commitment to update the plan in 2020. We’re proud to announce that Our Climate, Our Future will be an expanded vision for climate action in San Diego. We are striving to reflect the viewpoints, priorities and needs of San Diego’s residents and communities. Join us for our upcoming public forum to share your feedback and learn more. For more information, please visit: https://www.sandiego.gov/sustainability Time: Feb 25, 2021 12:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Ocean Beach News Article: Council Approves Mayor Gloria’s New Eviction Moratorium

Council Approves Mayor Gloria’s New Eviction Moratorium

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, January 26, 2021 CONTACT: [email protected] Council Approves Mayor Gloria’s New Eviction Moratorium MAYOR’S EVICTION Ban will protect residents, businesses struggling due to COVId-19 impacts SAN DIEGO –  As part of his efforts to protect vulnerable San Diegans and build back better from the pandemic, Mayor Todd Gloria won City Council approval for his proposal to extend eviction protections for renters and businesses unable to pay their full rent due to the impacts of COVID-19.

Ocean Beach News Article: Mayor Gloria's Executive Order on Delivery Fee Platforms & Curbside Parking

Mayor Gloria's Executive Order on Delivery Fee Platforms & Curbside Parking

Good afternoon, Click here to view Mayor Gloria’s executive order released yesterday on delivery fee caps and curbside parking. Please distribute to your networks. This order places a 15% cap on fees charged to restaurants for delivery service through third party platforms, with an additional 3% limit on any other commissions or charges. While we anticipate it will take a few days for platforms to update to reflect this new order, they will be required to apply the pricing retroactively to the effective date. Noncompliance may be reported to the City Attorney’s office.

Ocean Beach News Article: Public Health Officials Lift Regional Stay Home Order for All Regions

Public Health Officials Lift Regional Stay Home Order for All Regions

Please see the URGENT updates below: Public Health Officials Lift Regional Stay Home Order for All Regions   County expands COVD-19 Vaccination Availability to Ages 65 and Up – News Advisory attached. Updated Know Your Phase handout is attached. Individuals 65 and older are now eligible to receive the vaccine in San Diego County.   The County will host a press conference today, Monday, January 25th at 3:00pm to address the state lifting the Regional Stay at Home Order for all regions.  

Ocean Beach News Article: Temporary Outdoor Business Permit Update from City of San Diego

Temporary Outdoor Business Permit Update from City of San Diego

A message from the City of San Diego Good afternoon, On December 15, the City of San Diego received guidance from the State Fire Marshal reaffirming the statewide fire prevention regulations relating to outdoor dining. Our records indicate that you may have interest in permitting, rules, regulations, and enforcement of temporary outdoor business operations including the use of heater(s), tent(s), deck(s) and/or structure(s) outside of a business to facilitate safely doing business during the COVID-19 pandemic. Beginning February 1, Deputy Fire Marshals will be visiting all businesses using tents, awnings and temporary structures for outside dining to provide informational handouts (linked below).

Ocean Beach News Article: $100K ABASD Small Business Relief Grant Announced- Apply Today!

$100K ABASD Small Business Relief Grant Announced- Apply Today!

Apply Today for the ABASD COVID-19 Small Business Relief Grant. Review Grant Criteria, Grant Priorities and Ineligible Businesses. Before you start the application, you will need: Business license (for businesses located in incorporated jurisdictions), Prior year tax return (2018 or 2019), 2019 annual financial statements, 2020 Q1 and 2020 Q2 financial statements, and W9 Form.

Ocean Beach News Article: Reminder - SBA and Treasury Announce PPP Re-Opened this week!

Reminder - SBA and Treasury Announce PPP Re-Opened this week!

Hello OBMA Members! Reminder PPP re-opened on January 11th. SBA and Treasury Announce PPP Re-Opening; Issue New Guidance. WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), in consultation with the Treasury Department, announced today that the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) will re-open the week of January 11 for new borrowers and certain existing PPP borrowers. To promote access to capital, initially only community financial institutions will be able to make First Draw PPP Loans on Monday, January 11, and Second Draw PPP Loans on Wednesday, January 13. The PPP will open to all participating lenders shortly thereafter. Updated PPP guidance outlining Program changes to enhance its effectiveness and accessibility was released on January 6 in accordance with the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Venues Act.

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