Maintenance Assessment District | Ocean Beach San Diego CA

Maintenance Assessment District

The Ocean Beach MainStreet Association manages the Maintenance Assessment District (MAD) on Newport Avenue. MAD-related activities are overseen by the Board of Directors, the Design Committee, and the Economic Vitality Committee. The OBMA has managed the MAD since 2000. Our MAD encompasses landscaping, sidewalk cleaning, graffiti removal, public trash can servicing, fence repair and replacement, signage, and irrigation, among other incidentals (all on Newport Avenue only).

Newport Ave CribNew planter cribs were installed over three years. Ending in 2018.


Newport Ave MAD Map

Background information about MADs

A Maintenance Assessment District (MAD) is a legal mechanism by which property owners can vote to assess themselves to receive enhanced maintenance, landscaping, and lighting services. These services are above and beyond the City's baseline general services. Self-managed MADs differ from the City's Park & Recreation Department-managed MADs in that district property owners select, by ballot, a nonprofit corporation to contract for the provision of enhanced goods and services. The San Diego Municipal Code allows non-profit corporations to administer MADs when property owners support the selection of a particular non-profit corporation for their district. It is the City's responsibility to oversee the corporation's administration of the MADs to ensure compliance with local and State statutes. More information is available at

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