OBMA Member & Business News
This section is for OBMA Member-specific information, events, issues, and news for small business owners in Ocean Beach.
Members, if you wish to have an announcement or article published in our Local News section for the general public, please email us your article or announcement here.
OB Pier Renewal Project • New Design & Survey
The survey to gather input regarding the specific pier amenities, like lighting and shading options for a potential Ocean Beach Pier replacement, is open through May 6, 2024. The City's consultants will take input gathered from that survey to create a final design concept, which will be presented to the public in late 2024. Preferred design concept flythrough

Claudia Peters Jack
The community lost a very special person. Claudia Peters Jack passed away over the weekend on Saturday 3/30/24 around 4:40 am. Survived by her sons, Jimmi, Jonny, and Joey Guilmet. Her oldest son, Jonny Guilmet, said it best in his recent post...
Vote Now - Beacon Readers Choice Award
Vote for your favorite Ocean Beach Restaurant Voting ends on April 16. Only one vote per device, please. Be sure to fill out at least 20% of the ballot. You will need to fill out 40% of the ballot to be eligible for the drawing for a dinner for 2. Vote for your favorite Ocean Beach Restaurant in the Beacon's Readers' Choice Awards Vote Here
Donation Drive Hosted by Submerge Chruch
Drop off with Submerge Church at 1711 Sunset Cliffs between 10 am and 12 pm. Breakfast burritos are provided by The Salvation Army for anyone who brings a donation. First come first serve. Limited supply. For more information about Submerge Church please visit their website at submergechurch.com. Thank you!
County of San Diego-Small Business Stimulus Grant
Local small businesses and nonprofit entities that suffered economic losses due to COVID-19 may be eligible for grant funding from the County. Check your Eligibility The Small Business Stimulus Grant Program is funded by the Board of Supervisors allocated to the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), CARES Act funding, and the County General Fund. The grant funding provides economic assistance to help businesses and nonprofit entities impacted by COVID-19. Subject to availability of funding.
City of San Diego Crime Information Now Availablein Online Dashboard
City of San Diego Crime Information Now Available in Online Dashboard NEAR REAL-TIME NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME SNAPSHOT AND MAPPING AVAILABLE FOR SAN DIEGANS San Diego – The San Diego Police Department (SDPD) today announced the launch of a new public dashboard that offers a snapshot of information about crimes committed across the City of San Diego in near real-time.
Feel Safe Woman's Self-Defense Course
This Saturday OB Local and former Israel Defense Forces Krav Maga Master Instructor, Tony Cohen, will be hosting a Women’s only Street Self Defense course, behind closed doors, limited space, pre-registered only. March 23, 2024, 12-2 pm. Regular rate $247. OBMA members, one time only, apply the promo code “OBMA”, to the link below, and receive the course at no charge.
OB Banners - An Article in Point Loma / OB Monthly
New Ocean Beach banners fly with local scenes of ‘High Tides and Good Vibes’ Article by Regina Elling March 15, 2024 8 AM PT Thirty banners featuring 10 different pieces from seven artists depict scenes ranging from parrots and pelicans to lifeguard towers and the pier. Colorful new banners featuring iconic Ocean Beach sights are decorating light posts around town. More than 30 local artists submitted concepts for the banners, an annual project of the Ocean Beach MainStreet Association. Each artist this year was asked to interpret the theme “High Tides and Good Vibes,” organizers said.
Ocean Beach Pier Renewal Community Workshop #4
Preferred design concept for a potential Ocean Beach Pier replacement will be unveiled. Saturday, April 6th, from 2 pm to 5 pm. Liberty Station Conference Center. 2600 Laning Road, San Diego, CA, 92106. During this workshop, the City of San Diego and its consultants will present the preferred design concept for a potential Ocean Beach Pier replacement. The preferred design concept was created based on public input of the three preliminary design concepts that were presented in September 2023.
Storefront Improvement Program Workshop
Hybrid Workshop Wednesday, March 13, 2024 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM Ocean Beach MainStreet Association Office 1868 Bacon Street, Suite A San Diego, CA 92107 -OR- Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87433643946 Presentation followed by Q&A
OBMA Peninsula Beacon Co-Op Advertising Opportunities
Contact Mike Fahey to Learn More Send Email
[Survey] San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation
Ocean Beach MainStreet Association Members, Please take a few minutes to take this survey which is being conducted on behalf of the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation (SDREDC) and the San Diego and Imperial County Small Business Development Center (SBDC) who are committed to supporting businesses in the County. SDREDC and SBDC would value your participation in a brief survey to better understand the needs of small businesses in San Diego and Imperial Counties. The survey is being conducted by BW Research, an independent research organization, and should take approximately 10-15 minutes of your time.

OBMA Annual Marketing Breakfast 2024
We hopped to it and discussed taking customer service and engagement to the next level! A huge thank you to Joon Han for talking to our membership about how to ‘Actually Win Word of Mouth’, be engaged with your customers in an authentic way and explained the Net Promoter Score in an easy way to understand. Held at St. Peter’s by the Sea, our early morning breakfast was informational and was a terrific way to share ideas. Congratulations to Bill McKinney, Carter Moss and J. Han who each won a 3-month OBMA Website Ad for guessing the closest # of candies in the jar. Which was 111 by the way! For those who couldn’t make the Annual Marketing Breakfast, we have copies of the handouts at the OBMA office.
City of San Diego Emergency Response Grant Application Now Live
Accepting applications: February 12 - February 27. Economic Development Community Partners, The City of San Diego’s Economic Development Department (EDD) will be providing emergency relief grants of up to $2,500 per applicant, with a 100% bonus (for a total of $5,000) for applicants located in the Promise Zone, Opportunity Zones, or Low-Moderate Income Census Tracts. EDD will be prioritizing businesses located in under-resourced communities and high-impact storm-affected areas for these grants. Eligible businesses and nonprofits are awarded funding based on a reimbursement basis for documented storm-related expenses incurred.
Sunset Cliffs Natural Park Clean Up
Save the Date - Saturday, March 2nd, 2024 from 9 am to 12 pm. Hosted by Mandy Havlik. We look forward to seeing you! Questions? Contact Mandy Havlik or Leon Scales at SCNP.
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