Pretty soon it will be all locals, the temperature will drop, the wind will switch offshore, the swells will start again, the cliffs will start firing, and all will be right in the world. We wanted to start it off by helping OB out and organizing an OB Beach Clean-Up, and doing it as soon as we can!
Labor day is this coming Monday, so we decided that this coming Saturday, September 7th would be the best date to do such a thing! We've teamed up with San Diego Coast Keeper, South Coast Surf Shops, the Sunset Cliffs Surf Assoc, and the CSI-OB (Cleaner Streets Initiative) to help make this as successful an event as possible. We're supplying the gloves, trash picker-upper things, bags, bagels, coffee... You supply the man/woman power! Also, to make this a little more incentive-based, a certain beer company (Surprise, surprise!) has donated a keg to us for beer for the after party! Should be a great time, and I don't know about you, but it always makes me feel better when I do something like this. Please come out and support the community and help us make our neighborhood a little cleaner! Once again, it's our place for the next few months, so let's make it something to be really proud of!