Ocean Beach Town Council Events Coming! | Ocean Beach San Diego CA | News

Ocean Beach Town Council Events Coming!

Ocean Beach Town Council events coming up!


If you have not already submitted your application to participate in the 34th Annual OB Holiday Parade, please be sure to submit your application as soon as possible. Applications are due no later than November 15th. (For applications received after November 15, the entry fee of $50 increases to $100 and will only be considered if space is still available.)

The online application is available at:


For questions regarding the parade, please contact Gretchen Kinney Newsom of the Ocean Beach Town Council at [email protected].




The Ocean Beach Town Council (OBTC) is seeking sponsorship of the 34th Annual Ocean Beach Holiday Parade – our community’s most iconic event that is attended by thousands of visitors.

The OBTC is seeking sponsors and donors to help the Parade survive — escalating costs attributed to the City’s permitting process and administrative fees for security, insurance, the fire marshal etc. are pushing the parade costs to unsustainable levels. The Holiday Parade cannot occur without the generous support of our community sponsors. Please support the Parade by becoming an event sponsor and making a generous donation today.

For Parade Sponsors that donate at least $500, the Sponsorship Package includes the following:

  • Display of your logo on our Parade sponsor webpage with a hyperlink to your website.
  • Display signage (approximately 1 ½’ x 2’) showing your organization as an official sponsor of the parade located at the base of our 50 foot tall Holiday Tree that is located at the end of Newport Avenue for a full month from December 3rd to January 3rd. This is a high foot traffic area with thousands of daily visitors that stop by to view the tree and have their pictures taken at the foot of the tree.
  • Placement of one sign/banner up to 3’x5’ provided by your organization on one of the announcer’s towers located along Newport Avenue during the parade.
  • Waiving of the $50 entry fee if you choose to have an entry/float in the parade.

This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your support for Ocean Beach and connect with thousands of parade attendees, and increase your visibility during the holiday season.

The 34th Annual OB Holiday Parade will take place on Saturday, December 7th at 5:05pm (OB time). It will feature over 100 entries celebrating Ocean Beach’s 100th Wonderland Anniversary.

To sponsor this event and make a contribution to the Holiday Parade, please contact Gretchen Kinney Newsom at 310-729-2516 or [email protected].




The OBTC is requesting a donation of an item or funds for the annual OB Christmas Festival Auction. Proceeds of this community event benefit the annual OB Toy and Food Drive, which helps over 80 local families and seniors in need during the upcoming holiday season.

We invite your participation in this year’s OB Christmas Festival Auction and hope you can help with a donation, gift certificate or gift basket. In exchange for your generosity, the OBTC will post a “thank you” in the Auction Program and on their Facebook page to recognize your donation. If you make a monetary donation, please make the check payable to the Ocean Beach Town Council.

Donations are due by Monday, November 18th, 2012. If you have any questions or need us to pick up a donation, please call the Ocean Beach Town Council phone line and leave a message at (619) 994-8539. We will get back to you promptly. You can also mail your donation to OB Town Council, Attn: OB Holiday Parade, P.O. Box 7225, San Diego, CA 92167.

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