Mobilize your website today with locals, Intrepid Network Inc. | Ocean Beach San Diego CA | News

Mobilize your website today with locals, Intrepid Network Inc.

    Attention Website owners and managers. If you do a simple Google search of the phrase, "google mobile search changes" you will see that it is to your advantage to have a website which is designed using "responsive design" best practices.

    A few years ago Intrepid Network began designing and developing every website around responsive design (mobile friendly) principles. For our clients that have been with us from before then and for all prospective clients and those of you who already have your own teams we highly recommend taking the next step in keeping up with today's standards and have your website re-designed using responsive methods.

   Contact Intrepid Network for more information on how we can assist your with the redesign of your website so it is not omitted from mobile search.

INTREPID NETWORK | 619-929-0762 |


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