Location: 4934 Voltaire St, San Diego, CA 92107
WALK - to the beach with your best friend for posture, balance and standing stretches.
YOGA - enjoy back and body stretching - no experience necessary!
MASSAGE - pooch massages!
BRUNCH - attendees receive 15% off brunch after! Reservations recommended: https://www.yelp.com/reservations/voltaire-beach-house-san-diego?source=yelp_biz
Attendees receive a doggy goodie bag for participation!
All dog breeds welcome. One dog per owner, please. No retractable leashes. Water bowls will be provided.
Tickets $20. Snag you + your furry friend's spot at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/doga-yoga-with-your-dog-tickets-44264789176