Are you interested in taking an active role in your community or do you know someone who is?
If so San Diego Police Department’s Western Division is looking for you to join their team! You too can become a part of the solution by the joining to assist with neighborhood safety and crime prevention. You need only to be at least 50 years of age and be free to commit a minimum of three and a half days per month of your time. Following a 40-hour Police Academy, plus some on the job training, you will be ready to wear the SILVER BADGE OF THE RSVP.
Minimum qualifications:
5O+ Years Old
Semi or Fully Retired
Good Physical and Mental Health
Ability to volunteer a minimum 3 days per month
Valid California Driver’s License
For more detailed information visit the following site: https://www.sandiego.gov/police/recruiting/volunteer
To join the Western Division’s RSVP team please contact our RSVP unit to obtain additional information: - RSVP Barry Zamost [email protected] / RSVP Cresencio Torres [email protected] or call and leave a message (619) 692-4945.
Another online option through the City’s website:
https://www.sandiego.gov/volunteer-program be sure to select police department
Officer David Surwilo
San Diego Police Department
Community Relations Officer
Western Division