Memorial Tribute to the Victims of the 1918 Drowning and San Diego City Lifeguard History Book Release
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018, 5:00 pm
Ocean Beach Lifeguard Station (Santa Monica Blvd. & Abbott St)
Musical tributes - Lifeguard Paddle-out - Historical reflections
Please join us in recognition of the 100th year anniversary of the tragedy in which 13 people drowned on May 5, 1918 at Ocean Beach due to a massive rip current. 60 people were rescued that day, and it was a major event in the founding of lifeguarding as we know it today. After 10 years of research and writing, the San Diego City Lifeguard History Book Vol 1 (1868-1941) will be released at the event as well, followed by a reception hosted by Wonderland Ocean Pub at 5083 Santa Monica Avenue.
Suggestion: Arrive early, carpool, Uber, bike or take public transit as parking will be limited. (Ocean Beach Farmer’s Market Day)