SDG&E: Electric vehicles give spring cleaning a whole new meaning | Ocean Beach San Diego CA | News

SDG&E: Electric vehicles give spring cleaning a whole new meaning

SDG&E: Electric vehicles give spring cleaning a whole new meaning

Spring is here and with it comes a breath of fresh air. The world around us gets a little greener, and that’s the way San Diego Gas & Electric likes it. That’s why we are helping business owners, like you, install electric vehicle (EV) chargers at your properties. Together, we can support a spring clean feel in the San Diego air that lasts all year long.

It starts with our Power Your Drive program. We’re installing thousands of EV charging ports at apartments, condo complexes and workplaces. Why?

• EVs promote cleaner air.
• EVs play a critical role in meeting state and local climate goals.
• Demand for EVs is not slowing down.

Your property could be next. Join the interest list today. An SDG&E team member will contact you to help determine your property’s eligibility and answer your questions. Once your application is accepted, we handle construction, operation and maintenance, so you can focus on the fun stuff: promoting a new, sustainable amenity to existing and future tenants.

Visit to join the interest list. Supporting clean air is everyone’s responsibility. Help give San Diego’s air the spring cleaning it deserves.

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