Have you heard the news? CNN declared 2018 the year of the electric vehicle (EV). No longer niche products to the stars, EVs are on the road to mainstream Americans. And this may be the year they fill the parking lots of your properties. All they need is a place to charge.
That’s where we come in. San Diego Gas & Electric® is installing 3,500 EV charging stations at businesses, apartments and condos in the region through the Power Your Drive program, and we are accepting applications for eligible properties. Here is a quick rundown of the eligibility requirements:
• Dedicate a minimum of 5 parking spaces for EV charging stations.
• Provide an estimate of how many EV drivers will use the stations. If you aren’t sure, we can help survey your tenants.
• Agree to an easement for charging facilities.
• Make a one-time participation payment, if applicable. If your property is located in a disadvantaged community, there is no cost to you.
• Agree to promote EVs and the usage of the chargers, reserved exclusively for your tenants.
It’s that simple. We handle all operation and maintenance of the equipment. Your tenants pay for their usage through their SDG&E account. You have a new amenity equipped with the latest technology to support the new EVs that are on their way to town.
Visit www.sdge.com/PowerYourDrive to join the interest list today and get started.