This OB Clean & Safe Program was launched during the summer of 2014. The program has been funded by business owners and residents primarily with some additional funds from the Newport Avenue Maintenance Assessment District. The Ocean Beach MainStreet Association was also awarded a grant through CPPS funding for $8,000 to supplement the costs of the program.
Our security team bikes up and down all the alleys, rides on the streets and walks on the sidewalks. They patrol on Voltaire St, also near Dog Beach and especially along Newport Ave. We schedule the team for 3 or 4 days per week. We realize this winter has brought a lot of travelers to town, many of whom care little about OB. During the holidays the SDPD patrols ended up in Mis-sion Valley much of the time so we hope our security team helped. We are planning on meeting with all the community groups to work on a long range plan to demand that laws are enforced and illegal activity in our parking lots, alleys and sidewalks is prosecuted.
We know we haven’t developed the perfect plan however we are quick to change course as needed thanks to your involvement and dedication to supporting the OB Security Program. In an effort to streamline the paperwork, we are hoping that you will happily sign up to contribute over the next 6 months so that we can plan for more than one month at a time.
Support the OB Clean & Safe Program!